Our Wellness Plans are Preventive Care Plans focusing on prevention and year-round attention. Our Wellness Plans combines physical exams, vaccinations, disease screenings, unlimited office visits, service discounts, and more into one affordable veterinary care package to keep your pet living longer and happier.

We offer Wellness Plans for Puppies, Kittens, and adult Dogs and cats
The Puppy/Kitten Wellness Plan includes all the necessary examinations, vaccines, and diagnostic testing that your puppy and kitten will need during the first year of their life. Your puppy and kitten inherit natural immunity from their mother when born until they are about 6 weeks. However, after 6 weeks of age, they depend on you to continue that protection. Our Wellness Plan is designed to provide routine care your pet will need. If your pet has not been spayed or neutered, a plan includes pre-surgical blood work, hospitalization for the day, surgical procedure, and a re-check examination.
For maximum protection, we strongly recommend enrolling your pet between the ages of 8 weeks to 5 months. The Adult Feline Wellness Plan also offers the necessary examinations, vaccines, and diagnostic testing. Cats age at a much faster rate than people do; for every year we age, they will age 6-8 years. A Wellness Plan can help manage their evolving bodies and monitor their vital organs.
The Adult Feline Wellness Plan offers 3 different options to choose from to fight against illnesses and diseases. An upgraded plan can provide additional services such as dental cleanings, radiographs, and more extensive blood work. Our Adult Wellness Plans are recommended for pets older than 7 months of age.
The Adult Canine Wellness Plan helps manage your dog’s evolving health care. Canines also age faster than people, 6-8 years every year we age. Our Wellness Plan will help detect problems early before they become life-threatening. The Adult Canine Plan offers 3 different options. Each includes examinations, vaccines, and laboratory testing. An upgraded plan can include dental cleanings, radiographs, and extensive blood work. Adult Wellness Plans are recommended for pets 7 months and older.
Our goal at Eldorado Pet Hospital is to keep your pets healthy and happy during the prime years of their life. Our Wellness Plans can help with the many options available. Call us today for more information!
*Pet must be healthy to enroll in this plan. Plans are non-transferable* All plan services must be utilized within 1 year of the plan sign-up date.
All services will be considered relapse if not utilized in 1 year. Spay or Neuter should be done before 7 months of age. If not done in 7 months, $50 will be charged extra. If a pet is in heat/ estrus, $50 will be an additional charge only in case after 7 months. Any single service cannot be withheld for financial purposes.